Prefix Currency Char
- Character for currency ( $ £ ).
If your symbol goes in front of the price, define this, ie $ shows $1.00
Suffix Currency Char
- Character for currency ( $ £ )
If your symbol goes after the price, define this, ie $ shows 1.00$
Currency Format
- Format to display the currency
GameCP can format the prices to make them your loaclized style
Currency Name
This is the name, ie EUR, USD, of the currency - mostly related to PayPal usage
Default Language
MySQL Charset
- utf8, iso-8859-5 or blank to disable
You can force what charset is used for MySQL.
Date Format
- PHP style date formatting
Date format for php's date() function
Smarty Date Format
- Date formatting for Smarty Template Engine
Date format for smarty template engine's |date: format
UI Date Format
- Date formatting for Jquery UI
Date format for jquery ui calendar
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